This blog is designed as a resource for CURR 501, Media Literacy, Popular Culture and Education at Rhode Island College, summer 2014. The course is driven by the essential question: How is new media and digital culture produced and consumed in ways that help us understand ourselves and each other in the context of the current educational landscape?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Glogster is a global online educational platform that can be created in the classroom by both teachers and students. It can be done individually and co-operatively.

They are on-line presentations which include text, videos, photos, graphics, sounds, drawings, data and attachments

Glogster is very involved. I have spend at least three hours on this site and I have only scratched the surface.

Positives of Glogster:

  • It is very cool!! There are so many ways to give information. You can embed videos, actually pluck strings of an instrument and they produce sound!!
  • The graphics are wonderful.
  • It is interactive.
  • It has a large informational resource site.
  • It can be used for any subject.
  • You can save work.
  • You can create individual student portfolios and they can be saved.
  • It is in many different languages so it could be a useful tool for ELL learners.
  • There is also a blog so students can comment on other students Glogsters.
  • All topics and lessons are aligned to the common core.

I know that here will be more positive features when I can explore more.

Negatives of Glogster:

  • It is complicated
  • It is expensive, it cost $360 a year for up to 125 students each year.

I could not send any links or share any information with you because you have to register to even get on and search the site and you can only share information with members of Glogster. The good news is that you can register for free for 21 days.

It is worth a look,



  1. I've played with Glogster 5 years ago and I wonder how different it has been. I didn't know about the language feature! How cool! Teaching ELLs, I can see my students use Glogster instead of the old fashioned poster, specially because you can embed videos and audio.

  2. Bummer it's so expensive... I really want to find a site for my students to practice using infographics... I'll see if I find something else.
